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Ask Dr. Schultz | Skin Care Guides | How Long Do Skin Care Products Take to Work?

How Long Do Skin Care Products Take to Work?

When we use a new skin care product we want immediate results. Of course we do. It's human nature to not want to wait. But when it comes to caring for your skin you have to learn to be patient.
There isn't a skin care product out there that will give you the immediate results you're looking for and that's a good thing because the great products that your skin needs usually requires special care and attention that goes beyond more than just one day.

On average, it takes four to six weeks to see any real difference from the skin care products that you've just started using. Some products may create results overnight, some in two weeks, but this four to six week window allows a full skin-cell turnover to take place, which is when you can usually start to see all the benefits from your new skin care products.

What Skin Care Products Give the Fastest Results?

Of course a facial cleanser will clean your skin immediately, and a moisturizer will provide instant hydration; H
however, beyond these basic products, any product administered in a professional setting by a dermatologist or other skin care professional is going to have the fastest result. These products will be multiple times stronger than anything you can use at home. However, of the at-home products, the best ones tend to be those that are dermatologist-tested, clinically proven, or that someone who you trust vouches for.

Treatment Products Versus Prevention Products

Treatment products will always show results more quickly than prevention ones will because of one simple fact: in a lot of ways, prevention products are a leap of faith. If you use sunscreen, can you be absolutely sure and will you see the fact that you prevented some photo aging? Most likely not (although you won't get sunburned!) On the other hand, if you use a glycolic exfoliant, will you see newly glowing skin? Definitely.

Products from which you should see results include glycolic exfoliants (glowing skin), peptide-based skin brighteners (even skin tone), and facial moisturizers (diminished appearance of fine lines over time).

Speeding Up Results

A professionally administered product has the best results because it's the strongest. However, improper use can cause more harm than good. Thus, at-home products tend to be lower strength. In order to speed up results, you need to increase strength, in a controlled yet effective way.

For example, you can gradually increase the strength of properly formulated glycolic exfoliants to achieve maximum, nightly exfoliation without any downtime or irritation. This is the method by which Dr. Schultz's BeautyRx Progressive Peel at home glycolic peel achieves its results. It's a six-week, three step process that diminishes the appearance of fine lines, improves your skin's clarity and brightness, improves the firmness of your skin, decreases your chances of breakouts and makes your skin feel smoother.

,h2>Keep This in Mind with New Skin Care Products

If you're using a new skin care product and you're experiencing any negative results like overly dry skin, redness, or inflammation, be sure to consult your dermatologist to see if you should continue using that product. You skin doesn't need to get worse before it gets better. That being said, it's good to keep in mind that every product can have mild effects on your skin such as temporary tingling, so don't be overly cautious when trying a new skin care product!

All good skin care products take time. Be skeptical of those that say otherwise and don't give up. The skin care products that are guaranteed to work will take a few weeks to start really showing you what they can do. Be patient and you'll get the healthy and younger-looking skin that you've always wanted.

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